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When does Michigan's Earned Sick Time Act take effect?

The Law goes into effect February 21, 2025.


What does the Law say?

In basic terms, the law says that Michigan workers will earn Paid Sick time at the rate of 1 HOUR for every 30 HOURS worked.


Does this apply to Union members?

Yes.  With few exceptions, this applies to IBEW Local 876 members.


Who does the law exclude?

If the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) you're currently working under provides paid time off that can be used when you're sick, your CBA remains in effect until it expires.  Or, if your contract has specific language denying you sick time, your CBA remains in effect until it expires.


What if my contract doesn't say anything about time off?

If your contract is SILENT about paid time off, the law applies.  

A, C and T agreement - this includes you.  This law will apply to A, C & T contract members.


How much paid time off can I take?

If your employer has 10 or more employees, you can take 72 hours per year.

If your employer has less than 10 employees, you can take 40 hours per year.

Your employer can allow more than that, but is not required to.


Do hours roll over?

Yes.  Unused hours will roll over to the next year.


Is there a cap on how many hours I can earn?

No.  There is no cap on how many hours you can earn.


Will I get paid out for unused hours?

NO.  Unused hours are not required to be paid out.  This includes quitting, being laid off, or being fired.  Employers are not legally required to pay out unused hours.

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